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God's little monkey business

I love God's little way of helping me see Him in the most unusual ways.

The other morning, I was heading out to go to work and stopped to grab my pile of stuff on the end of the counter. This is where I leave things that I need to remember to take with me for work: keys, access card, cell phone, and anything else for the day. The night before, I had put a banana on top of the pile (trying to be good about eating something in the morning). When I was gathering my things, I didn't see the banana. I looked around to see if I had placed it somewhere else, if my daughter had taken it with her, or if one of the dogs had gotten it. I was just a little bit frustrated and then realized - it was in my hand the whole time!

On the way to work, still laughing at myself, I had the sudden thought that God is like that. We look for Him and look for Him and, suddenly, notice that he was right there with us all along. We ask Him for his grace and blessings, not realizing that He has already given it.

God, show me the banana today! Open my eyes to the gifts that you've already given me, that I've had right here in my hand, that I haven't even noticed.
