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I seem to have moved on without even realizing it. I went for a run last night and loaded up my "Running" play list. None of the songs really did it for me. I kept fast-forwarding to the next song. I realized that all of the songs on there have some cancer link. Either they remind me of folks who were going through treatments when I was, remind me of friends who have passed away, or were really good motivators as I was trying to put my own body back together. None of it seemed relevant and was more of a distraction than anything. I think I need a new play list. And that is a very good thing.

As for my one word, I'm still working on it. I can say it all in about 30 minutes, but not quite one word just yet. But in the process of trying to narrow it down, I ran across this from Micah:

"You have been told, o man, what is good, and what the Lord requires of you: Only to do the right and to love goodness, and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8 (NAB)

That seems to be the closest thing to one word I can find. I think what I'm really feeling is a desire to just be in the right place again, to walk with God like Adam did in the Garden (I've always loved that image), to realign my will to His. The scripture passage makes it sound to simple: only do the right. That's all. Maybe it is just as simple as that.


  1. I nominate "walk" to be the word if you don't use it I'm stealing it for me.

  2. Yeah, "walk" is one that keeps coming to me. It lacks all the adjectives I'm wanting in there, but it's really everything about the walk that I'm concerned with. I'm even thinking "led" - which says more about _how_ I should be walking.


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