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Showing posts from January, 2010


I seem to have moved on without even realizing it. I went for a run last night and loaded up my "Running" play list. None of the songs really did it for me. I kept fast-forwarding to the next song. I realized that all of the songs on there have some cancer link. Either they remind me of folks who were going through treatments when I was, remind me of friends who have passed away, or were really good motivators as I was trying to put my own body back together. None of it seemed relevant and was more of a distraction than anything. I think I need a new play list. And that is a very good thing. As for my one word , I'm still working on it. I can say it all in about 30 minutes, but not quite one word just yet. But in the process of trying to narrow it down, I ran across this from Micah: "You have been told, o man, what is good, and what the Lord requires of you: Only to do the right and to love goodness, and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8 (NAB) T

Can you feel it?

Crazy dreams, bad coffee, and a conference call. A strange start to a typical day. Except that today I have a very strong feeling that God is moving. Two of my friends have been in Haiti for the past week. Their Facebook posts and Twitter updates pull my heart and remind me that I had crazy dreams in a very comfortable bed, drove my car on safe streets to get a cup of bad coffee, and am blessed to have the job I have, conference calls and all. My good friend Jeff sent me a link to this video from Audrey Assad. A few times in my life, I've sensed God moving like a mighty wind, stirring hearts into action around the world. As I type this, I'm listening for his voice, hoping to recognize it, and wondering what my response will be. CYO convention is right around the corner. I've been asked to give one of the keynote talks - an invitation that humbles, excites, and scares me all at the same time. It's the 50th anniversary of the convention in our diocese, so the convent