I seem to have moved on without even realizing it. I went for a run last night and loaded up my "Running" play list. None of the songs really did it for me. I kept fast-forwarding to the next song. I realized that all of the songs on there have some cancer link. Either they remind me of folks who were going through treatments when I was, remind me of friends who have passed away, or were really good motivators as I was trying to put my own body back together. None of it seemed relevant and was more of a distraction than anything. I think I need a new play list. And that is a very good thing. As for my one word , I'm still working on it. I can say it all in about 30 minutes, but not quite one word just yet. But in the process of trying to narrow it down, I ran across this from Micah: "You have been told, o man, what is good, and what the Lord requires of you: Only to do the right and to love goodness, and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8 (NAB) T...